El Mundo del
About Me
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The United States of America
I am Maialen Aldabaldetreku, phd in chemistry, my main research areas are inorganic, characterization of new materials, biotechnology and NMR development.
I am from Zestoa, Spain, where I grew up and lived until I moved to Chile on a scholarship to finish my undergraduate studies and stayed until I finished my doctorate.
I speak Basque, Spanish and English.
Personal Vision
My vision of what I want to choose in life is to be able to investigate without depending on outside funds. So in 5 years I hope to see myself leading a science-based star up where we can sell our product in development to make a profit and allocate a portion of those funds to independent I&D.
Personal Vision
The generation of networks can help me with the choice of strategic partners, such as producers of raw materials or validation laboratories that I require to be able to reach the market with my product. In order to generate these networks, I must be able to communicate my idea/project efficiently, so I hope to be able to achieve the communication skills required.
start building networks.
Entrepreneurial Projects
Our project focuses on the development of new antibacterial materials that are efficient and less harmful than the antibiotics currently used. so we are working on the validation of our product on a laboratory scale and in the next 5 years we hope to carry out the pilot test, sanitary regulatory registration and the first sales that generate an economic return, and increasing the sales volume.
Communication and listening
Branding, marketing and networking skills
Business management skills
Financial skills