About Me
The University of Texas at San Antonio
The United States of America
I am from the Houston, Texas area and moved across the state when I was 11 to London, Texas. After going to school there for 6 months, we moved to Kerrville where I finished my education up to Highschool. Now, I am attending the University of Texas at San Antonio. I have taken 4 years of Spanish but am not completely fluent.
Personal Vision
I visualize myself leading a successful business of my own within a few years. I have always wanted to be in control of my own destiny. My dream business is something creative. I have gone from wanting to sell art, to wanting to sell candles, be a professional photographer to now possibly wanting to be a baker. Through all of my hobbies, I have collected a lot of skills that will help me market.
Personal Vision
I have been so close to starting up my own business but have been troubled by endless youtube videos explaining the complicated intricacies that come with starting up a business. And I know for sure, that if I want to open my own business, I want to perfect every detail before doing so. So really, I just want to learn more about it all.
Entrepreneurial Projects
My most recent idea has been applying innovation and creativity to baking. Specifically cakes, cupcakes, cookies, coffees.
Strategic Planning
Problem Solving Skills
Computer Savy.
Have built social media pages from the ground up.
Photographer, great for promotions.