About Me
The University of Texas at San Antonio
The United States of America
My name is Christian Verghese and I am a Junior Marketing student at UTSA. I grew up in Allen, Texas, and went to school there until Junior year when I transferred to Prosper High School and graduated from there. I plan to learn more about entrepreneurship and hopefully one day be able to be in charge of multiple businesses my self.
Personal Vision
Currently, I own a clothing brand with my friend which we started during quarantine last year. My vision for the next 5 years has to do with growing this brand as much as I possibly can and hopefully scaling it to a successful stage. I also plan to get into other businesses as well and trying to get into more art related projects like music, videos and photography, and other things like that.
Personal Vision
Growing my network will definitely help grow my audience for my business and also even connect with many other people on the same journey as me, or even further ahead than I am. I plan to keep growing in my knowledge of all the areas of running a brand and even specifically a clothing brand. Some of those areas include communication skills, and various management skills.
Entrepreneurial Projects
Atypical Lifestyle is a clothing brand that a friend and I have been working on for about a year, on IG
Some of my skills include being a fast learner and also being determined in the things that I do. I also love working with people and always love hearing other people's point of views on various things.