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Excel Financial Functions - Calculating the Time Value of Money

Tue, Oct 17


Online Event

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Excel Financial Functions - Calculating the Time Value of Money
Excel Financial Functions - Calculating the Time Value of Money

Time & Location

Oct 17, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CDT

Online Event

About the Event

Interest rates have been so low for so long that some have forgotten that money isn't free.

Ben Franklin knew better, cautioning that; if you would know the value of money, just go and try to borrow some;

As interest rates return to historical norms, it is critical for businesses to deploy their scarce financial resources efficiently. Fortunately, Excel gives us a powerful array of tools that can help us analyze even the most complex financial scenarios.

This live program will explain and demonstrate:

  • The kinds of financial calculations Excel can make;
  • Setting up your source data for financial calculations, including how to input dates and interest rates so they will be computed correctly;
  • The calculation of the Present Value, Future Value and Internal Rate of Return for a stream of payments;
  • How to compute payments on a level debt reduction loan like a mortgage; and
  • Excel resources for evaluating investments and capital allocation.

There will be plenty of time for questions, so come prepared.

Presenter: Gerald Rosenthal,

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